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What is a Minecraft Server? How much RAM is enough for this?


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A Minecraft server allows multiple players to play Minecraft together online. This is the place where they can connect, interact, and play together.

How Minecraft server works:
The server runs on a specialized software that manages the whole game world, player connections, and gameplay. The server is hosted on a powerful computer or cloud service ensuring a stable and fast connection. Players join the server using their Minecraft client, entering the server’s IP address or domain name.

Different types of Minecraft Servers:
focus on survival mechanics like hunger and health
Creative: Focus on building and creativity Open often with unlimited resources.
PvP: (Player versus Player) focus on competitive gameplay, like battle and arena fights.
Roleplay: Focus on a storyteller, character development, and immersive gameplay.

How to join a Minecraft server?
1. Get the server’s IP address or domain name:
This can be found on server's website.
2. Open Minecraft: Launch Minecraft on your device. Make sure you are running the correct minecraft version (e.g. Java or Bedrock)
3. Select multiplayer: Click on the multiplayer option from the main menu.
4. Click add server: Click the add server button.

5. Enter server details:
Server name:
Enter a name for the server (optional )
Server address: Enter the servers IP address for domain name.
Port: Leave the port as default unless specified otherwise

6. Click “Done”: Click the done button to save the server.
7. Select the server: Choose the server from your list and click Join server.
8. Wait for connection: Wait for Minecraft to connect to the server. This may take a few seconds.
9. Join the server: Once connected, you will be taken to the servers lobby or spawn area.

The amount of RAM needed for Minecraft depends on various factors, such as game mode, number of players, world size, graphic settings, etc.
For a small single player world with low graphic settings 2GB RAM would be sufficient. There are four or five players with moderate graphic settings 4 to 6 GB RAM is recommended. And if you have more than 10 players 8 to 12 GB RAM ensures smoother experience.

Andrew Coffey

New Member
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16-32 GB of RAM is usually enough for most modern gaming systems running Minecraft, including shaders. GPU, CPU, and storage configuration are more important factors than excessive amounts of RAM for Minecraft performance.


New Member
Hosting Provider
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A Minecraft server allows players to connect and play together in a shared world. For optimal performance, 2GB of RAM is typically enough for smaller servers, while larger servers may need 4GB or more.