VPS or Reseller? Which is good to start a web hosting company.

Which Hosting is the logical option for a person starting a web hosting company? Both choices have their advantages and limitations and are advisable for different types of starters in different situations.

Reseller hosting means you buy hosting wholesale and assign parts of your server and domain resources to your customers. You act as a go-between, connecting a hosting provider’s infrastructure with the new clients you can get. It is a good option for beginners. You do not need to have prior knowledge of server management which is required in VPS hosting. Once you have these and making a profit, then upgrade to a VPS.

A virtual private server acts as an isolated, virtual environment on a physical server, which is owned and operated by a cloud or web hosting provider. With VPS, you get better performance, reliability, and security. Plus, you have a predefined amount of resources at your disposal whenever you need them If you already know what to install and how to manage a VPS you may opt for VPS hosting. Here you risk your money to buy a VPS.

Start small, and get a reseller plan to allow you to build up a strong client base and reputation, once you have these and making a profit, then upgrade to a VPS. Once you decide to get a VPS then decide if you want.


"You do not need to have prior knowledge of server management which is required in VPS hosting. Once you have these and making a profit, then upgrade to a VPS."

Have a managed VPS and let someone else take care of it. It doesn't require extra skills to start a business with VPS. You are right that reseller hosting is a good option for beginners. I prefer to start with VPS and move to a dedicated server because here you are selling your product and not a reseller.


Very good article. Reseller hosting is good for starting your business.

VPS is secure and gives you more control.


New Member
Hosting Provider
Both VPS (Virtual Private Server) and Reseller hosting have their unique advantages, and the choice depends on your specific requirements and budget. If you're starting a web hosting company, a VPS might be a better option as it offers more control, flexibility, and scalability. With a VPS, you can manage multiple websites and customize the server environment to suit your needs. However, if you're on a tighter budget, Reseller hosting could be a good starting point. Reseller hosting allows you to allocate server resources to your clients while still benefiting from the hosting provider's support and infrastructure. As your business grows, you can then consider upgrading to a VPS.