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Tips on choosing a Shared hosting company


New Member
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Selecting a new shared hosting company for your website is hard because of If you select a wrong company then you will be get into a trouble.

Here is some tips for choosing a good hosting company.

1. Hosting Company Age
You don't want to purchase a hosting from a new summer hosting company who even don't know how to resolve technical issues. You must select a old hosting company who is older then 2 year.

You can check company age from many "whois domain info checker".

2. Company is Registered?
Never purchase hosting from unregistered company because of they can be closed at anytime without any prior notice. They will not follow rules and regulation. Benefit of purchasing a hosting from registered company is Trust, Legal Invoice(You can use their invoice while filling a income tax).

3. Monitor server uptime of their website or server.
Everyone claim 99.99% Uptime guarantee but you should check this yourself and monitor their website on uptime checker site like siteuptime.com, monitor.us or pingdom.

Monitor their server for few days and If uptime is good then you can consider to purchase hosting from them.

4. Ticket Response time
Your website is down then what will you do If your hosting provider take whole day to give a response to your ticket? So before purchasing you should check their ticket response time by opening a new ticket with them and just ask any question like where is their servers are located.

Once you receive a response then open another ticket with another question and compare it. If response time is within 15 minute to few hours then you can chose them else try to find another hosting company.

5. Check bad reviews only, not positive
Positive reviews can be faked or posted by them-self but no one like to post negative review for their own company. Negative reviews are 99% real but you should check who is posting and issue is related to service or staff behavior because you need a service.

6. Footer Copyright Year
Current year is 2015 but If your hosting company use 2011 then it means they are not active provider and they don't even give a time for changing year and they are careless so stay away from them.

7. Is they have a all required pages and policy?
Every hosting company use contact us page, policy, privacy, home page, product page, etc and If someone use only home page then stay away from them.

8. Read TOS Before purchasing
So you purchased a hosting for your shop which is blacklisted in their TOS they what will you do? After few days or month your account will be terminated for TOS violation so read their TOS Carefully.

9. Live Chat always offline
If hosting company provide live chat but their chat is always offline then its better to choose a hosting company who don't provide livechat.

If someone is selling a hosting with 200GB disk space, 2000GB bandwidth at $1 then don't chose them else you will face trouble in future.

11. Domain Whois Privacy is hidden
Don't purchase from a hosting company who hide their identity.

12. Page loading speed
You don't want to host with a company who oversell their server and page loading speed take ages.

Thanks for reading my thread.