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PacificRack.com: Closure Notice - Service Shutting Down Soon


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If you are a customer of PacificRack, immediately back up your data and move to another alternative option.

Notice by PacificRack:
We are reaching out to you today with some important news regarding our hosting services.

After careful consideration and evaluation of our business operations, we regret to inform you that we will be shutting down our hosting services effective March 4th, 2024. This decision was not made lightly, but we believe it is the most appropriate course of action at this time.
Closure Notice of PacificRack.com

What you need to know:
1.) Service Termination Date: Our hosting services will officially cease on March 4th, 2024. Please make sure to back up any data or files you have hosted with us before this date.
2.) Find a New Hosting Provider: We recommend that you find a new hosting provider as soon as possible.
3.) If you need an alternative solution, an option would be to reach out to Digital Servers.
4.)If you are interested in exploring options with this organization, please visit their website at digitalservers.net.
5.)Create a login to view pricing and configurations options for VPS’s and dedicated servers.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition period. We sincerely appreciate your business and support over the years. Sincerely, PacificRack

They are recommending DigitalServers which is just have a login page but you are free to choose any provider that suits your needs.