How to Decrease Website Load Time?

Hi Guys,

I checked on uptime, and my website load time is around 10s. It's relatively slow, and I want to improve my website load time. I replaced heavy images and graphics with lighter ones, yet there is hardly any improvement in load time. Anyone here can show me some ways to decrease the load time for my website. I think this problem here more people are caring about it. Any suggestions?


It means images and graphics on your website are not responsible for slow down. There can be several other reasons. I have listed down a few. Work upon them and tell us the result.

1) Remove useless redirects. In some cases redirects may be necessary, such as when you're moving to a new domain. However, eliminating unnecessary redirects on your site can result in significantly lower page loading times.

2) Cache your web pages. You can do it at server level. You can ask your hosting provider to do it. It improves processing speed of the server that load the first page faster.

3) If you are using Wordpress, try autoptimize plugin that can improve page loading speed.


Talk to your web host, you might need an upgrade. If you are using shared hosting, possibly there is higher load on the shared server.


New Member
Hosting Provider
To decrease website load time, optimize images, minimize HTTP requests, leverage browser caching, use a content delivery network (CDN), and consider upgrading hosting services for better performance.