VirtKick Acquired by Death Row OnApp


Staff member
VirtKick is Acquired by a Death Row Company called "OnApp", Few year ago they acquired SolusVM and promise that version 2 will be coming soon in 2014, then they postponed it and yet even in 2017 new version is not released by OnApp.

So Hosting company call OnApp as a "Death Row" Company. If any OnApp employee read this then I want to say sorry.

What is VirtKick?
VirtKick is a clean, fast, professional interface that our business relies on to deliver an all-in-one solution to our clients. It is perfect for anyone who is serious about providing a VPS control panel. They claim that VirtKick is First SaaS Control Panel.
OnApp is a software company. Its software enables service providers to offer IaaS products, such as public cloud, virtual private cloud, etc.

VirtKick Price will be changed?
No unless OnApp release a new version after some year but currently price will be not changed.

They do not disclose about money but you can read a FAQ of this Acquirement on VirtKick Blog.
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