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Hivelocity is going to acquire Heficed?


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I have received news about Hivelocity acquiring Heficed in the coming days.

If you don't know, Heficed is a bare metal and VPS server provider. Heficed was established in 2009 under the name of Host1Plus.

Hivelocity is a well-known hosting company. This acquisition is great for Heficed customers.

Here is the email I received from Hivelocity:
At the end of the year, Hivelocity completed the acquisition of Heficed.com, a Bare Metal and VPS Hosting provider. This will bring new resources and capabilities to our organization, and we are confident that it will allow us to better serve your needs and exceed your expectations.
With this acquisition, we are proud to announce that in the near future, we will be adding VPS Hosting to our product offerings and 3 new Data Center Locations: São Paulo, BR, Lagos, NG, and Johannesburg, ZA.
How will this be different from past VPS offerings?
You will be able to deploy VPS instances from your myVelocity account.
You will be able to manage your Bare Metal and VPS accounts together in your myV portal.
Can we pre-order Hivelocity servers in Brazil, Nigeria, and South Africa now?
Yes! Reach out to us via chat or email and we’ll get you signed up.
We’re aiming to make some inventory available ASAP as well. Once it’s ready, we’ll put it for sale on our dedicated server page.

What do you think about acquisition of Heficed by Hivelocity?