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The Telegram Notifications add-on for WHMCS from Nikba Creative Studio is a free and simple-to-use tool that can help enhance your user experience through seamless integration with Telegram.

This provides you with very important alerts for activities that occur within the WHMCS. This allows for a more efficient process that makes you more responsive and connected to your customers.

Screenshot of Telegram Notifications plugin from Nikba Creative Studio

Features of Telegram Notification - WHMCS Plugin:
  • Send notifications for new client registrations.
  • Send notifications when an invoice is paid.
  • Send notifications when a new support ticket is opened.
  • Send notifications when a user replies to a support ticket.
  • Easy configuration through the WHMCS admin panel.

You can get notification on newly registered clients, invoice payments, and support ticket updates, among others. Updates can be sent to your Telegram channel, group, or account of choice.

Telegram Notifications is also very easy to integrate and customize according to your preferences. Configuration can easily be done using WHMCS admin panel. This allows you to only receive notifications that you need and to specify as to which groups can only receive certain information.

The plugin also has enhanced logging and error handling so that you will be able to check if all notifications are being sent.

The current version of the Telegram Notifications plugin is at Version 1.0 and is applicable for all versions of WHMCS 8.6 and 8.7. It is also compatible with select version of the system from versions 8.8 to 8.11.

New features and updates may be added in succeeding versions of this add-on.

WHMCS Addon Installation: Adding Telegram Notification to Your WHMCS Setup​

Telegram Notifications by Nikba Creative Studio can be downloaded from the Github. Check official installation instructions from their Github Page. The files should then be uploaded to the 'modules/addons' directory of the application.

Upon successful upload, you can now active and configure the add-on to fit your business' needs. This can be done through the WHMCS admin panel by navigating to "Setup" and selecting "Addons"

Download / More Info.

I personally using it for getting notifications from my WHMCS System.

Note: This WHMCS plugin is licensed under the MIT License and is free to download.