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Free - Sales Dashboard Plugin for Your WHMCS


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If you require a comprehensive but very easy to understand sales dashboard for your WHMCS, then this plugin from Nikba Creative Studio may be just the thing for you.

With just a few steps, you can easily see accurate information that is presented in a way that is easy to understand and base important decisions on.

Screenshot of Sales Dashboard plugin from Nikba Creative Studio
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Key Features

The Sales Dashboard WHMCS plugin serves as your dashboard that can provide search parameters, reports, overviews, and charts related to different types of data.

Information would include client information, invoice lists, sales or service information, and many more.

This addon is not only capable of providing accurate and up-to-date data, but the Sales Dashboard WHMCS plugin is also very user-friendly, capable of breaking down large datasets and offering filter and navigation functions so all the information that you need is just within a few clicks away.

This tool also provides very easy to understand charts that can provide you with a bird’s eye view of what’s going on inside your organization.

The Sales Dashboard WHMCS is currently at version 1.0. The tool is compatible with select version of WHMCS, including versions 8.8. 8.9. 8.10, and 8.11. Future updates may cover more versions as well as add new features such as new reports or charts.

How to Install WHMCS Sales Dashboard Plugin

To install the Sales Dashboard plugin from Nikba Creative Studio, you will need to download the files required from the WHMCS Marketplace.

Once downloaded to your computer, you would then need to upload the files to the ‘modules/addons’ directory of your WHMCS.

You can nor activate the module by going to the Admin panel, navigating to “WHMCS Setup”, then ‘Addons” and then selecting and activating the plugin.

From there, you can set customizations and utilize the tool as intended.

Download / More info.

Note: This is released under MIT license. Free to download.