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Hi, I am looking to host media and I’m seeking suggestions for the cheapest seedboxes. Please suggest good and budget-friendly seedbox options.

It must support Plex. I don't have a specific budget.


New Member
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The most cost-effective Seedboxes for Plex in 2024

If you use Plex and looking to streamline your media library, you should consider a seedbox. However, finding a cost-effective seedbox which can deliver solid performance may not be easy. Listed below are some of the best options when it comes to finding cost effective seedboxes.

The pricing starts at $6.99 for a month.
Main Features:
Connection speed of 1 Gbps
Easy setup with plex support
Bandwidth of 1 TB

This is the one of the cheapest options for people who use Plex. Whatbox offers great performance with nominal speeds that is very important for smooth streaming.

Pricing starts at €5 for a month.
Main Features:
Connection speed ranges from 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps
Storage options ranging between 500 GB and 3 TB
Plex integration

SeedHost is a dependable choice at pocket-friendly pricing. It is great for people who are looking for a balance between functionality and cost, especially with the varied storage options.

Feral Hosting
Pricing starts at £4 for a month.
Main Features:
Connection speed of 1 Gbps
Storage space of 500 GB
Comprehensive Plex support

Feral Hosting is well-known for the cost-effectiveness and robust features. It is ideal for users that are looking for great quality at budget-friendly prices.

Pricing starts at €5 for a month.
Connection speed of 1 Gbps
Storage options ranging between 500 GB and 3 TB
Complete Plex support

With numerous plans, Ultraseedbox offers great flexibility. It is an ideal choice for users who are looking for scalability that fits their budget.

Getting the right seedbox completely depends on users’ requirements; however, these options offer great balance between performance and affordability. Whether people are just looking to get the most of their money or on a tight budget, the aforementioned seedboxes are worth giving a try.​